Perfect Binding, or paperbacks, are a very common means to get your ideas to the masses. Printing paperbacks or ‘soft cover’ verses hardback, is the best way to get started and test the market for your content. The affordability, quality, and durability of our perfect-bound books meets and exceeds industry standards. This type of bind is held together with a resin-based glue, which produces a clean-cut appearance. Additionally, our standard product includes a high-gloss UV(liquid plastic laminate) that protects against dings, and scratches. Furthermore, gloss or matte laminating is also an option. 40 pages or more are recommended to use this type of binding.
Common Uses
Reference Materials
Poetry Books
Children’s Books
Paperback books are a type of book that is bound with glue and has a cover made from flexible cardboard or cardstock. They are typically less expensive than hardcover books, and they are often used for popular fiction and nonfiction titles. Paperbacks are also more portable than hardcover books, making them a popular choice for travel or reading on the go.
Paperback books have been around for centuries, but they really became popular in the 20th century. The invention of the paperback binding process in the 1930s made it possible to produce paperback books at a much lower cost than hardcover books. This led to a boom in the paperback market, and paperbacks quickly became the dominant format for popular fiction.
Today, paperback books are still a popular choice for readers. They are affordable, portable, and easy to find. Paperbacks are also a great way to support your local bookstore.
Here are some of the advantages of paperback books:
Less expensive than hardcover books.
More portable.
Easier and quicker to produce.
More environmentally friendly to produce.
Overall, paperback books are a great option for readers who are looking for an affordable, portable, and easy-to-find way to enjoy their favorite books.